METRO invites you to “dump the pump” and ride METRO line-service and NCX routes FREE* on National Dump the Pump Day, Thursday, June 18, 2015.
Also on June 18, METRO will host a Dump the Pump Day Party at the Robert K. Pfaff Transit Center (631 S. Broadway St.) from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Enjoy a live DJ, food trucks, and vendors.
Vendors include our public transit neighbors, SARTA & PARTA, plus the Akron-Summit County Public Library, Summit Cycling, the Akron Zoo, and Summit Metro Parks. This event will take place rain or shine (but we're hoping for shine, of course.)
Also, be sure to post Facebook and/or Twitter photos of your Dump the Pump Day ride on METRO with #DTPSummit. You could win a prize!
*SCAT & Call-A-Bus not included