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Transit Planning

Strategic Plan

On November 24, 2020, METRO’s Board of Trustees adopted our new Strategic Plan. The plan will act as a roadmap and guide our decision-making for the next ten years as METRO transforms into Summit County’s regional mobility provider. For more information and to read the final document, click here.

Reimagine METRO

Since 2021, METRO has been working on a plan to improve its bus network. The Reimagined Network is a service plan for METRO’s fixed-route bus network that seeks to make transit more useful to more people, by expanding access to more destinations and opportunities.  It is designed to provide frequent and convenient service in busy places where many people need to travel to, while continuing to offer lifeline services in places where and for people for whom transit is essential. From 2021 to the beginning of 2023, METRO conducted three rounds of outreach with the public and stakeholders on the Reimagined Network, refining the design after each round.  On March 28, 2023, METRO’s Board of Trustees approved the changes in a unanimous vote.  The Reimagine METRO network was put into service on June 4, 2023.  To learn more, visit the project page.

Transit Service Guidelines

METRO is committed to safe, dependable, cost-effective and customer-focused service to the traveling public. With a fairness-first mindset, METRO can better address disparities within our system and make our services more effective. Due to a limited budget and constraints on labor, equipment, and property – METRO must make difficult decisions on transit access. This document may be used by the public to understand the decision-making process used by METRO team members and the Board of Trustees when it comes to providing transit service for Summit County. METRO is required to establish service standards and policies by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), which are compliant with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. This document will be shared publicly in order to ensure transparency and accountability with our transit loyal community and key stakeholders.  The guidelines can be reviewed here.

Rail Property Management

For inquiries on utility crossings, easements, temporary rights of entry, private crossings, or land leases of METRO’s rail property – please contact:

Tomy Brown