Welcome to public transit! Thanks for choosing to go METRO. Since you’re reading this on our website, you’ve come to the right place. Visit our how to ride page for some great tips on how to plan your trip, read a schedule and even load your bike onto our bike racks. You can also give our Customer Care pros a call at 330.762.0341.
What you pay depends on how you ride. METRO's general, one-way fare for regular fixed-routes is $1.25. Our weekday Northcoast Express service to Cleveland is $5.00 each way. Discounted fares are available for qualifying older adults and persons with disabilities. You may also purchase multi-day passes if cash isn't your thing. Visit the pricing and locations page for more details.
1-day and 7-day passes can be purchased right on your bus! Our full menu of tickets and passes is available at our downtown Akron Transit Center. Passes can also be found all around Summit County. Our pricing and locations page lists all available outlets.
METRO fixed-route and paratransit vehicles will allow service animals to board all METRO and contracted vehicles. Pets or companion animals will not be transported on any METRO or contracted vehicles, caged or otherwise.
The care or supervision of a service animal is solely the responsibility of his or her owner. The passenger and the service animal may be asked to exit the vehicle if the service animal’s behavior poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others.
Of course! All METRO buses have bike racks for your use. Our bike racks will fit most bikes with 16-inch tires or larger. Tandems, recumbents, mopeds and tricycles cannot be placed on the bike racks. Go to our video gallery to watch short video showing you how to use our bike racks. It’s easy: we promise.
Before you board, just let the operator know you will be using the rack, place your bike on the rack (with all loose items removed, please), hop onboard and pay your fare! When you’re nearing your stop, let the operator know you need to get your bike. Remove your bike from the rack, put the rack up if no other bikes are in it and get rolling!
Buses are thoroughly cleaned each night, inside and out. If you’d like to see the action for yourself, we can arrange a tour including a ride on bus as it goes through our bus wash. Contact our speakers bureau for more info. Since the pandemic buses are wiped down inside each time they pull in the Robert K. Pfaff Transit Center.
METRO has temporarily suspended lost and found collections until further notice. METRO will attempt to secure wallets, purses, and cell phones. METRO is not responsible for lost, stolen, or misplaced items. Questions? Please contact Customer Care at 330.762.0341.
Change is hard, we know. However, bus operators get to choose their route based on seniority. Four times each year, operators pick which routes they'd like to drive. The operators who have been with METRO the longest get to pick first. Many operators want to mix it up and take on a new route so they aren’t driving the same route every day, all year long.
Bus schedules can change up to four times a year. The schedule changes usually coincide with the seasons.
Being a METRO bus driver, or operator as we call them, is no easy job. Our operators train up to 10 weeks and have to receive a CDL (commercial driver's license) to drive one of our buses. Training is more than driving. We train our operators on mobility device securements, customer service, bus inspections, and all the rules of the road. So, be assured when you get on our buses, the people behind the wheel are some of the best trained operators around.
Northcoast Express is the service that goes to Cleveland. We also refer to it as the NCX service.
The 61 starts at our Transit Center, continues through Akron into the Fairlawn/Montrose area and jumps on the expressway.
The fare is $5 each way, unless you purchase a 10-ride ticket for $40. This is a weekday-only service and runs early morning and late afternoons. Be sure you check out our NCX page.
Thanks for wanting a METRO stop near you! When a request for a stop or shelter is received, we have many questions to ask before the stop location can be approved. We have to see if the stop/shelter is ideal for that location. Is it safe? Do we have enough riders to support the request? Will the land owner and/or City allow the request?
Please contact METRO’s planning department at planning@yourmetrobus.org to discuss all the key details of your stop request.
METRO’s Board meetings are typically held at 9:00 a.m. on the last Tuesday of each month. Board meetings are open to the public. If you wish to speak at a meeting, you are welcome to discuss any item listed on the meeting agenda. You may address the Board for up to two minutes.
Please contact us to let us know you would like to speak. If you just want to observe, please stop by. All meetings are held at our Transit Center (unless noted on the Board page) in downtown Akron at 631 South Broadway.
Also, please check our Board meetings for upcoming dates.
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